Changes ======= Changelog summaries; for past changes check `the github releases `_ 2.1 (Planned) ------------- - new client module base class 2.0 --- - Dropped python 2 support - async http client use in discord module - api rewrite, optional v1 bridge class for old style compat w/ the class formerly known as pyborg's new internals - discord server management commands - discord prefix configurable in discord.toml config. use key :kbd:`[discord][prefix]` default is still :kbd:`!` - new package depenency extras: :kbd:`nlp`, :kbd:`subtitles`, :kbd:`systemd`, :kbd:`graphing` (experimental/in development) - uses poetry for package lifecycle management - coverage reporting fixed - `stronger tokenizer `_ more tuned for internet text - mastodon toml config fields normalized to :kbd:`[pyborg][multiplex_server]`, :kbd:`[pyborg][multiplex_port]` - :ghpull:`113` added optional random reply rate for discord module use :kbd:`[discord][reply_chance]` in the discord.toml config. - :ghpull:`114` add option for supplying a nickserv password on irc use :kbd:`[server][nickserv_password]` in your irc.toml config file. - :ghpull:`119` IRC modules gains support for supplying a server password; use :kbd:`[server][password]` in your irc.toml config file. - :ghpull:`105` sub comamnd http uses the standardized :kbd:`--brain_name` option now - systemd extra to support systemd `service daemon notify `_ in the http server. - new :py:class:`pyborg.pyborg.ExpermientalPyborg` class. an api rework of :py:class:`pyborg.pyborg.pyborg` - dropped 3.6 support for packaging reasons. 1.4.0 ------------ - Added nickname plaintext pings in discord module. - 1.0 support (allows 3.7+ support in pyborg) - `toml `_ config files. They live in your pyborg conf folder and there's one for most modules. And one for pyborg's core options. These replace the old cfg files. - Proper python 3 deps in `PEP508 `_ compliant specifications in the This'll make pypi installs easier on py3.